openDICOM.NET API Reference (openDICOM# Class Library)

IDicomStreamMember Interface

DICOM member stream interface for classes that participate in a DICOM data stream according to the DICOM standard. If a DICOM class is binary represented on a DICOM stream, it will have to implement this interface.

For a list of all members of this type, see IDicomStreamMember Members.

public interface IDicomStreamMember

Types that implement IDicomStreamMember

Type Description
DataElement This class represents a DICOM data element.
DataSet This class represents a DICOM data set.
NestedDataSet This class represents a DICOM nested data set.
Sequence This class represents a DICOM sequence.
Tag This class represents a DICOM tag (gggg,eeee).
Value This class represents a DICOM value.
ValueLength This class represents a DICOM value length.
ValueRepresentation This class represents an unspecific DICOM value representation (VR).
AgeString This class represents the specific DICOM VR Age String (AS).
ApplicationEntity This class represents the specific DICOM VR Application Entity (AE).
AttributeTag This class represents the specific DICOM VR Attribute Tag (AT).
CodeString This class represents the specific DICOM VR Code String (CS).
Date This class represents the specific DICOM VR Date (DA).
DateTime This class represents the specific DICOM VR Date Time (DT).
DecimalString This class represents the specific DICOM VR Decimal String (DS).
FloatingPointDouble This class represents the specific DICOM VR Floating Point Double (FD).
FloatingPointSingle This class represents the specific DICOM VR Floating Point Single (FL).
IntegerString This class represents the specific DICOM VR Integer String (IS).
LongString This class represents the specific DICOM VR Long String (LO).
LongText This class represents the specific DICOM VR Long Text (LT).
OtherByteString This class represents the specific DICOM VR Other Byte String (OB).
OtherFloatString This class represents the specific DICOM VR Other Float String (OF).
OtherWordString This class represents the specific DICOM VR Other Word String (OW).
PersonName This class represents the specific DICOM VR Person Name (PN).
SequenceOfItems This class represents the specific DICOM VR Sequence of Items (SQ).
ShortName This class represents the specific DICOM VR Short Name (SH).
ShortText This class represents the specific DICOM VR Short Text (ST).
SignedLong This class represents the specific DICOM VR Signed Long (SL).
SignedShort This class represents the specific DICOM VR Signed Short (SS).
Time This class represents the specific DICOM VR Time (TM).
UniqueIdentifier This class represents the specific DICOM VR Unique Identifier (UI).
Unknown This class represents the specific DICOM VR Unknown (UN).
UnlimitedText This class represents the specific DICOM VR Unlimited Text (UT).
UnsignedLong This class represents the specific DICOM VR Unsigned Long (UL).
UnsignedShort This class represents the specific DICOM VR Unsigned Short (US).
FileMetaInformation This class represents DICOM file meta information.


Namespace: openDicom.DataStructure

Assembly: opendicom-sharp (in opendicom-sharp.dll)

See Also

IDicomStreamMember Members | openDicom.DataStructure Namespace